Needs List
Educational Sponsorship:
It’s our passion to provide quality education for all of our Berakhah children putting them on path to a better life, but to achieve this it takes more than just providing school tuition or fees but must include proper feeding, school supplies, sports or recreation, proper medical care and transport.
We pray you consider sponsoring a Berakhah child today.
Rescue Girls:

Medical Care:

Solar Lights:

Your donations will help us to provide all the needed Meals for our children
Many of our children join Berakhah with only one set of clothes, no shoes or slippers needing more clothes and other personal effects.
We believe that children that are well dressed develop confidence and given a chance, they perform better in public and in school.
Dressing them better is one of our goals and we ask you help us.
We currently house our children in temporary structures that don’t meet the government standard policy.
We are seeking help to build houses in the village setting to provide accommodation for orphaned and vulnerable children in our care

Children’s choir:

We have 24 Member choir traveling to USA in January 2019. These tours are a great life transforming experiences for the children on tour and those they minister too.
They will need visas and Air tickets, it’s one time investments indeed changes lives.
Sound and musical instruments:

We need a good set of sound and musical instruments for our theatre and out door performances.
They will need visas and Air tickets, it’s one time investments indeed changes lives.


We need to buy a piece of land to grow our own food That will greatly reduce our operational costs because Much of our expense goes to food.